Choosing the Type and Layout of your Visit Form

Click Admin from the Admin Panel. 

Select Manage Visit Form from the Visits section of the Admin page as shown below:

7-15-2022_4-30-52_PM.pngClick Add Visit Form.7-15-2022_4-35-15_PM.pngWhen you click on the Add Visit Form, the following screen will appear:You can select single page or multi page-tab view from the type drop-down to create a visit Form. Single page places all the questions in the Visit Form onto one long scrolling page.  Multi-page tab view gives you the opportunity to include questions in separate tabs for better organization.  These can be added by question category for simplicity. It is a best practice to select multi page- tab view for efficiency and ease of use by your field auditors. 

You can choose between list and table layout. List layout puts the question and response options in a list from top to bottom.  Table layout places the question on the left with the response choices to the right like reading a book.  We recommend that you use Table layout for efficiency and ease of use by your field team. 

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