Viewing Operations Reports

Operations Reports can help you evaluate your progress on visits and tasks. The following reports are available for view in the Operations module:

Visit Form Details Report: This report displays the Visit information associated to a Visit Form based on one or more Franchise locations and visit Status.

Visit Summary Report: This report displays the Visit information on basis of one or more Franchise locations that are associated to a visit Form and their visit Status.

Store Performance Report: This report gives performance highlights for different Franchisee locations that are associated to one or more Visit Form.

Outstanding Action Report: This report displays the information of due Tasks assigned to one or more Users based on the visits made for one or more franchise locations associated to one or more Visit Form.

Form Level Performance Report: This report displays the average Consultant and Owner Score of one or more Franchisees associated with a visit Form and their visit Status.

Question Level Performance Report: This report shows the average performance for various questions of a visit Form based on the visits made for one or more franchise locations associated to the Visit Form.

Corrective Action Plan(CAP) Report: This report displays the information of all Tasks based on the visits made for one or more franchise locations associated to any Visit Form.

Delta Report: This report draws a comparison between the responses and scores assigned by Owner and Consultant for each Visit.

Visit Timeline Report: This report displays a consolidated information of all the Visits including last visited date, maximum and minimum days between consecutive Visits.

Visit Response Analysis Report: This report displays a detailed analysis of all the multiple-choice questions incorporated with the responses by owner and consultant to any Visit Form.

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