Assigning Lead Owners: Transferring Lead Ownership

It is not unusual for leads to assigned to various lead owners over the period for franchise engagement. At times, when users leave the organization, it requires reassigning leads to a different lead owner. Larger organizations having diverse and multiple brands and various Lead sources and Sales territories often need multiple lead owners to manage leads for a positive Franchise opportunity. The FranConnect system makes it convenient with its flexibility to add and change states in FDD Management.
In this guide, we will cover how to set up a lead owner, assign leads to a lead owner and Transfer Lead ownership.

Begin by setting up Sales Lead Owners in the Sales at the Admin side:

From the Admin > Sales > Setup Sales Lead Owners.

Select a user from the Available Users and click the fast-forward button to move the user under Selected Sales Lead Owners.

Select Submit.

You can then continue to assign leads to a lead owner as (Default Owner).

From the Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.

Select the Default Owner from the drop down.

Click Update.7-12-2022_11-42-47_AM.png7-12-2022_10-27-43_AM.pngOR

You can select Lead Owner Assignment Scheme.

To Select the Option of Assigning Leads to Lead Owner by Round Robin:
From the Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owner.
From Select Lead Owner Assignment Scheme, select the radio button: Assign Lead Owner by Round Robin and select Continue.7-12-2022_10-27-43_AM.png

Select a user from the Available Lead Owners and click the fast-forward button to move the user under Configured Lead Owners.7-12-2022_10-36-06_AM.pngClick Upward and Downward buttons to move the users in ascending or descending order under Configured Lead Owners.


Click Update to save.

To Select the Option of Assigning Leads to Lead Owner by Sales Territories.
From the Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.
From Select Lead Owner Assignment Scheme, select the radio button:
Assign Lead Owner by Sales Territories and select Continue.7-12-2022_10-42-36_AM.png
From the available Sales Territories, select the Default Owner from the drop down and select Update.


To Select the Option of Assigning Leads to Lead Owner by Lead Source.
From the Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.
From Select Lead Owner Assignment Scheme, select the radio button: Assign Lead Owner by Lead. Source and select Continue.7-12-2022_10-56-08_AM.png7-12-2022_10-57-40_AM.png

Select Update to Save.

Alternatively, you can select different owners for Source when selecting Lead Owner by Sales Territories.7-12-2022_11-03-09_AM.png

To Select the Option of Assigning Leads to Lead Owner by Brand:
From the Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.
From Select Lead Owner Assignment Scheme, select the radio button: Assign Lead Owner by Brand and select Continue.



Click Update to Save.

To Deactivate a User who is a Lead Owner and Transfer the Lead Ownership.
From the Admin > Users, Select either Corporate User or Regional User.7-12-2022_11-33-27_AM.png7-12-2022_11-35-49_AM.pngFrom the Pop-up screen, click Reassign all the items from one lead owner to another available lead owner.


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