Aggregate Custom Reports in Sales

FranConnect includes several preconfigured Sales reports. However, sometimes additional information is needed or you may want to include custom fields under.
In this guide we will cover how to create your own Aggregate Custom reports in Sales and report on custom fields added under the Form Generator. 

Admin > Sales > Manage Form Generator.

When adding new fields in the Form Generator, by default, it will be exportable, searchable, and reportable using the Custom Reports.


Add new fields under Manager Form Generator.

There are two types of custom reports, Tabular Reports and Aggregation Reports found under:

Sales > Reports > Create New Report.


Sales > Reports > Custom Reports.

The Tabular reports are much like a simple spreadsheet. The report contains only the values of selected fields such as Date, First Name, Last Name, Owner, State, Country etc.

Aggregation Reports contain grouped values such as the number of leads (group) from a particular source. The report will include various Charts as shown below.


Chart selections: Type and View.

Perhaps you want to know the number of leads that came from each of the lead sources filtered by lead owner and date. The following shows how to pull that together:

Go to:  Sales > ReportsCustom Reports > Report Wizard > Aggregation Report.

Enter the Report Name: ‘Leads by Owner and Source’

Accessibility: ‘Public’

Chart Type: ‘Horizontal’

Chart View: ‘2D’

Description: ‘Break out the number of leads per each owner per source’

Add a New Filter: this is the criteria normally seen at the top of reports. Common filters are timeframe, region, status, owner, etc. In our example, we select Inquiry Date, Lead Status and Lead Owner.

- Select Inquiry Date as shown below and click GO.

- Select Lead Status and click GO.

- Select Lead Owner and click GO.


Sales > Reports > Custom Reports > Add Report.

7.pngDon’t worry about the filter order or if you need to add/remove more filters later. The move icon will allow you to reorder the filters. The delete icon will remove the filters.

Then click ‘Next’.

8.pngSelect field to group by: Select “Lead Source Details”. In our example, we group by the number of leads broken out by Lead Source Details.

Then click ‘Next.’

9.pngSales > Reports > Custom Reports > Add Report.

Add a Summary for Display: select ‘Primary Info > Count’. We grouped by the number of leads broken out by Lead Source Details. So, the number of leads would be the count and we know each lead’s information is entered in the Primary Info section.

Note: You can enter multiple summaries but only one of each type, COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, or AVE. In this example, we add the AVE (average) for Forecast Revenue dollar amounts.)


Sales > Reports > Custom Reports > Add Report.

 Review, Save or Modify if needed, else, you are done.

11.pngSales > Reports > Custom Reports > Add Report.

To run the report, simply click the report name under Sales > Reports > Custom Reports. Notice one can modify the report by clicking the pencil icon and delete using the delete icon. 


Adjust the filters as preferred


Top of the report containing filters or search by criteria.

Last click “View Report” which displays the report including the 3D Horizontal Chart.


Note: The report can be exported to Excel and Printed to include the graph.

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