Complex lead assignments are created in FranConnect through the use of Round Robin, Sales Territories, and Lead Sources. Round Robin assigns leads to owners when it is the owners turn to receive a lead. Sales territories allow you to assign leads based on a geographic area given to a lead owner. The distribution of leads to owners by source allows owners to have specialties, e.g. you have a sales team member who converts more leads from brokers or a team member who has a good relationship with a specific source.
To set up the lead assignment appropriate to your organization, you’ll want to select one of the following options.
- Round Robin
- Sales Territory (requires creating Sales Territories before assigning Lead Owners)
- Source
- Brand (when Brand functionality is enabled)
To Assign Lead Owners:
Once you’ve selected the lead assignment scheme you will configure it from:
Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.
Select a Default Owner or the person who gets leads when they fall outside of the normal assignment scheme
Choose the Assignment Scheme.
Click Continue. The option you select will determine the resulting required setup. Use the information below to set up your assignment scheme.
To Create Sales Territories:
To make sure all your leads go to the correct owners set up your sales territories by going to:
Admin > Sales > Sales Territories:
Click Add New Sales Territory.
Select whether this Territory is Domestic or International.
Name the Sales Territory.
Select how you want the Territory to be grouped. Territories can be created based on Country, State, and Zip Codes.
Click Submit.
When assigning leads by Sales Territory FranConnect first checks the lead’s Zip Code. If the Zip Code matches a territory, the lead would be assigned to the territory owner. If not, the system will check the state. If the state is not assigned to an owner, then it would check the country. Finally, if the lead does not match any of the territories, they would be assigned to the Default Lead Owner.
Assigning Leads by Round Robin:
Round Robin allows you to set up your lead owners who are then distributed leads in order of whose turn is next.
- From the Assign Lead Owners page, Select Assign Lead Owner by Round Robin.
- Click Continue.
- Use the Arrows in the center of the page to move Leads Owners from the left hand column, Available Lead Owners, into the right had column, Configured Lead Owner.
Use the Arrows to the right of the Configured Lead Owners column to place sales team members in the order in which you want them to receive leads. The person on top is the person who will receive a lead first, the next person second and so on.
Assigning Leads by Sales Territory:
The next option is to Assign Lead Owners by Sales Territory. When you select Assign Lead Owner by Sales Territory from the Assign Lead Owner page you will see a list of all the configured territories. From the drop down to the right of the territory you can select a lead owner or multiple lead owners per territory. If multiple owners are selected, leads are assigned by round robin within that territory.
Assigning Leads by Source:
When a lead enters FranConnect via a webform, the source is either identified by the lead manually or the source is identified in the configuration settings of the webform. However identified, the lead owner will be assigned by the source provided. From the drop down to the right of the source you can select a lead owner or multiple lead owners per source. As was the case for Sales Territories, if multiple owners are selected per source, the leads are then distributed by Round Robin.
Assigning Leads by Brand:
If your system is set up for multiple brands, then you can select owners for the Brands just as you did for source or territory. If multiple owners are selected then the leads would be distributed by Round Robin for the listed owners.
Adding Layers to Lead Assignment:
In the event you need to be a bit more detailed with how leads are assigned, you can use the action wheel to the right of the assignment to add another layer of complexity. In the case below you can Associate different owners for Source within a Sales Territory.