Lead Distribution and Assignment

Lead Distribution based on territories and assigning to leads owners with round robin. Some companies have a more complicated distribution of leads to their lead owners. For this distribution, FranConnect offers a robust way to get all the leads to the correct owners by setting up multiple sales territories and the Lead distribution.

To make sure all your leads are going to the correct owners you first would need to set up your sales territories, by going to Admin > Sales > Sales Territories:
Create the territories. Territories can be created based on Country, State, and Zip Codes.7-14-2022_1-14-28_PM.pngThe system would first check the lead’s Zip Code to see if it’s in a territory. If the Zip Code matches a territory, then it would be assigned to the owner based on that distribution. If not then it will check the state. If the state is not owned, then it would check the country. Finally, if none of the Territories match they would be assigned to the Default Lead Owner.

Make sure the territories are set up so that the leads will be pulled to go to the correct owners first. Now That the Territories have been created, then it’s time to assign the lead owners to the Territory.  This can be done by going to Admin > Sales > Assign Lead Owners.

In here you first want to first select a user who would get any leads that do not match the territories that had been set up. This lead owner is called the Default Owner.7-14-2022_1-25-52_PM.pngFor example, if you created a territory that gets the Leads from NY, PA, MD, and VA, but a lead comes in from NC, then because the lead is not in any of the sales territories it would then go to the Default Owner.

The Next Section gives you 4 Options:
Assign Lead Owner by Round Robin:
Choosing this would allow you to set up a number of lead owners and then the leads would then be distributed among them.


Assign Lead Owner by Sales Territories: Here you would see a list of all the configured territories, on the right you can select a user or multiple users per territory. If multiple owners are selected, then leads would be assigned by round robin for that territory. Capture.PNG

Assign Lead Owner by Lead Source: If a lead is coming in by a web from and the source and details are included. Then when the lead selects the Lead Source and Lead Source Details from the list then the leads would be assigned by the Lead Source settings. Again, if multiple owners are selected per source, then the leads would be distributed by Round Robin for the listed owners.


Select Owners for Brands:. Can be used If your system is set up for multiple brands, Again, if multiple owners are selected then the leads would be distributed by Round Robin for the listed owners.

Once the settings are updated the leads would be distributed by the choices you had made.

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