System - E-Learning
The options found on this page affect the behaviour of E-Learning content.Default Training Settings Allow Forced Completion – Turning this option on will allow administrators to mark the E-Learning content of users as complete, without any action on the part of the users. When turned on, an extr...
System - Achievement Awards
This page is designed to allow administrators to make changes to the platform's Achievement Awards – for both custom, as well as in-built system awards. It also allows for the creation of additional custom Achievement Awards. The page consists mainly of a number of tables, each containing differe...
System - Sign Offs
Enable Fuel Gauge sequence locking for Sign Offs – This option is used in conjunction with content sequence locking in the Fuel Gauges tool. If turned on, Sign Offs will require completion by both the user and the Manager before the user is able to progress past it in a locked fuel gauge. If no...