This page is designed to allow administrators to make changes to the platform's Achievement Awards – for both custom, as well as in-built system awards. It also allows for the creation of additional custom Achievement Awards. The page consists mainly of a number of tables, each containing different types of awards.
Award Creation and Modification
To edit an existing award, simply click on its name and you will be able to modify its options. You may also activate and deactivate an award here by clicking on its Active icon.
To create a new award, click the New Custom Award button towards the top of the page.
Award Options
In this article, these award options are divided into multiple parts, as their availabilities depend on the type of award that is being manipulated. Generally these are the options for One-Off, Ongoing, Weekly and Custom Achievement Awards.
Common Options
- Name – This is the main reference given to this award, it is the name that will appear in the Achievement Awards tool, as well as when users are awarded the award.
- Description – This text area should be used to provide a description for the award, such as how it is attained, and any congratulatory messages.
- Image – Selector to choose the image that will be used to depict the award. An in-built system image may be used, or if you wish, a file may be uploaded from your device. The recommended dimensions are 280 x 280px with a maximum file size of 100MB.
- Active – Checkbox that decides whether or not the award is active – effectively whether or not anyone will be awarded this award.
Ongoing Achievement Awards
This award type has an extra option: Level Requirement. Ongoing awards are attained by performing certain actions a number of times, such as completing an appraisal, posting in the forum, and even logging in. This option affects the number of times these actions have to be done by a user for them to receive the corresponding award.
Custom Achievement Awards - Creation and Edition
Custom awards come with a set of targeting selectors, used to choose which managers are able to give this award. For more information about targeting selectors, see Targeting.
Note: The account group of the recipient of the award should be below the account group that is going to give the award in the hierarchy, is not possible for an account to give an award if the recipient of the award is in the same the account group or above. For more information on how to give a custom award check this article: Give a Custom Achievement Award.
For an overview of Achievement Awards take a look at the following video