System - E-Learning

The options found on this page affect the behaviour of E-Learning content.

Default Training Settings

  • Allow Forced Completion – Turning this option on will allow administrators to mark the E-Learning content of users as complete, without any action on the part of the users. When turned on, an extra column of buttons will appear when viewing the training results of a user through Performance Monitor, or by searching for a user and clicking View Training Results. This button will only appear next to some training of it is currently Not Attempted. Clicking on the button will reveal a prompt regarding the force completion, and agreeing to it will mark the user's training complete.
  • Allow reset – Turning this option on will allow administrators to reset the E-Learning module status of users back to 'Not Attempted'. Behaviour is similar to the above option, by introduction of a column of buttons in the view of a user's training results.

Note: This option will only appear if the module status is either 'Passed' or 'Failed'. Modules that are 'In Progress' cannot be reset.

Warning: By using this reset option, it will completely delete all historical records/attempts of the module you are resetting. If you prefer to keep historical data, please contact, who are able to do a 'soft' reset.

  • Force User to complete overdue Mandatory Modules– Turning this option on will ensure that any users with uncompleted mandatory training will be unable to access normal platform functionality until they complete the mandatory training. This overrides fuel gauge locking.
  • Mandatory Period – The number of days after which an email will be sent to users, notifying them that their mandatory training is due.
  • Default module reset rate – This is the default number of days that will appear when enabling the Module Reset option for E-Learning (this value can be changed for individual modules). The button below this option, 'Click this to update all online modules with new default value', can be used to apply the provided value to all current E-Learning with module reset turned on.

Manager Notification Settings

  • Manager Notification Period – This is the number of days after a user is sent their mandatory training notification, that their manager(s) will also be sent a notification.
  • Send Manager Notification – This option allows you to setup the frequency of Mandatory Training Notification emails that managers will receive regarding their employees. A drop-down sits to the left of the option, allowing you to choose the frequency cycle, as well as the choice of Never, turning off the option entirely. Once the frequency cycle is chosen, you can make more specific choices about the frequency.

Note: Setting this option to "Never" will apply to all Roles. It's not possible to enable/disable this notification per role.

Notification Default Target Group

  • Manager Notification target group –  This option allows you to select the types of managers that will receive the Mandatory Training Notification emails described in the section above.

Warning: Unchecking all of the available Roles does not disable the notifications from being sent out. This just controls which Roles are automatically checked when you enable this option (per template).

For an overview of E-Learning Settings please take a look at the following video

for: adm;

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