System - Sign Offs

  • Enable Fuel Gauge sequence locking for Sign Offs – This option is used in conjunction with content sequence locking in the Fuel Gauges tool. If turned on, Sign Offs will require completion by both the user and the Manager before the user is able to progress past it in a locked fuel gauge. If not turned on, then the Sign Off will not prevent progression through the Fuel Gauge if it is awaiting action by the Manager, and will prevent progression once some action is required from the user.
  • Default Sign Off refresh rate – This is the default number of days that will appear when enabling the Sign Off Refresh option for Sign Offs (this value can be changed for individual Sign Offs). The button below this option, 'Click this to update all sign offs with new default value', can be used to apply the provided value to all current Sign Offs with refresh turned on.
  • Enable Sign Off acknowledgement notifications – Turning this option on will ensure that emails will be sent to users when they are required to acknowledge that they have been signed off by their Manager.

For an overview of Sign Offs Settings please take a look at the following video. 

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