Navigating through the different Performance Monitor views
General InformationThe Performance Monitor tool is directly linked to your Account Hierarchy and Locations, which means that the information that is shown to different users will depend on the Account Group that the user belongs to.As a refresher, the Account Groups with access to the Performance...
Performance Monitor and Ranking Widgets vs Stats and Reports Calculations
In this article we will show you how the calculations for the Performance Monitor and the Ranking widgets are done, resulting in the statistics that you are able to see in the dashboard of your platform.How Do the Performance Monitor and Ranking Widgets Calculate the Complete Percentage?The calcu...
What makes up the Performance Monitor graphs?
The graphs are an indication of overall completion rates for various content within the platform at any given moment. Which tools are included?The graphs are made up of any active content from the following tools: E-Learning Sign Offs Written Tests Internal Surveys Appraisals* Mandatory Notices*...
Viewing a breakdown via More Details
If you want to get a breakdown of how the progress graphs are calculated, you can use the MORE DETAILS button to view a report outlining exactly how each Fuel Gauge has been calculated.Tip: The data on this page copies and pastes nicely into Excel if you want to present these numbers or work them...