Configure Display Columns from Admin

Organizations like to manipulate their FranConnect system with various Display Columns in the summary of any application such as Admin, Sales, Opener, Information Manager and so on. They configure various fields by adding and removing Columns from Admin.
They need to do this for easy access of data and information which saves time from multiple clicks.
FranConnect system is so easily customizable keeping the users at ease when retrieving and reviewing records.

In this guide, we discuss about how to configure these fields from Admin.

You can start of by going under Configuration in Admin.

From Configuration > Configure Summary Display Columns.

From the Page Name, Corporate Users, click on the Action Gear and select Configure.



Select a field from the Available Columns, click the >> to move the field name to Configured Columns.6-28-2022_10-01-29_AM.pngClick the side arrows to arrange the order.

6-28-2022_10-01-29_AM.pngClick Submit.

Check if the field names have been arranged.

You can see under Admin > Users > Corporate users.



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