Creating and Editing ACTIV Presentations

This article will show the simple steps required to either start a new presentation, or open an existing one so you can edit it. When either of the steps below are done, you will see the ACTIV creator, and if you are editing an existing one, that presentation will be automatically loaded into the creator.

Creating a New Presentation

To create a new presentation, please do the following:

1. Go to Training → ACTIV

2. Click on New Presentation

3. Enter a Name for your presentation

4. Choose the Target Country (or countries) you'd like the presentation to be targeted to [optional]

5. Click Save

Note: As per the message on the screen (above the Active checkbox), new ACTIV presentations cannot be activated right away. This is due to the fact that it does not have any slides (yet).

Once saved, you'll immediately be taken to the ACTIV creator page, where you can start setting up slides and creating your presentation. 

Editing an Existing Presentation

To edit an existing presentation, please do the following:

1. Go to Training → ACTIV

2. Edit Slides: Click on the name of the presentation

3. Edit Details: Click on the 'edit' icon

Other Tools

In addition to just editing a presentation, there are also tools that allow you to preview, copy, move or delete them, as well as view the total size and associated files. This can be achieved by using the various icons to the right-hand side of the presentation name. Here we present each function with their respective icon:

1. Size: This shows the total size of the presentation.

Note: If you click on this figure, you will be directed to the presentation's 'Library' page, which shows all files associated with the presentation.

2. Target Country: This icon indicates whether or not the presentation has been targeted to a country (or multiple countries).

Note: If it is blank, that means it is targeted to all countries. Otherwise, if it has a target icon, that means it is targeted to a country (or multiple countries).

3. Preview: This icon allows you to preview the presentation, exactly as an end-user would experience it.

4. Active: This icon indicates the (current) status of the presentation.

Note: If it is a red cross, that means it is inactive. Otherwise, if it is a green tick, that means it is active. You can quickly change the status of the presentation by clicking on this icon.

5. Copy: This icon allows you to make a copy of the presentation (within the same location).

6. Move: This icon allows you to move the presentation, from World level to National level (and vice versa).

Note: If moving a presentation from World level that is targeted to multiple countries, a 'copy' will be created in each (targeted) country.

7. Edit: This icon allows you to edit the details of the presentation (e.g. name, targeting and status).

8. Delete: This icon allows you to delete the presentation.

Note: You will see a prompt asking you to confirm if you want to delete the presentation.

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