KPI Objective Actuals and Scores

Now that the KPI submission date has rolled over, it is time for the Manager to enter information on if the KPI objective target was met (aka 'Actual') and also specify a score.

In the KPI tool, click on the name of the KPI that is ready to be marked - the status will show as Pending Submission. Then click on the 'edit' icon of each objective to add the Actual and Score.

Enter an Actual and Score for KPI Objective

  • Actual – Specify the actual result of the objective (e.g. Achieved).
  • Score – Select a score for the actual (between 1 and 5).

Note: Scores are a way of rating the end result (aka 'Actual') of an objective, which are then calculated with the weighting to provide a total score. Each score 'level' equals 20% (starting from '1'), and the scores across all sections are calculated as an average. For example, if you have 4x sections, and you set a score of '2' for all of them, the total score will be 40%.

Tip: You can change the score text to whatever you like by going to 'System → Languages → Search For Phrase' and searching the terms Score 1, Score 2 and so on. Please view the Manage Languages articles for more information.

  • Comments – Enter any additional comments/notes regarding this particular Objective [optional].
  • Update – Press this button to update the Objective.

Sign Off and Acknowledgement

Once you have completed the Actual and Score fields of each objective, click on the Sign Off button, which will then require the Employee to review + acknowledge.

Note: This Sign Off/Acknowledge process is the same as the one for KPI Objectives. Please see the Acknowledgement and Sign Off of KPI Objectives article for more information.

Completing the KPI

Once the Employee has reviewed + acknowledged the Actuals and Scores (by clicking the Acknowledge button), you can complete the KPI by clicking on the Submit button.

Example of Submit button (Manager)

for: MGR, EMP;

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