Creating KPI Objectives

The purpose of Objectives is to create specific targets relating to a KPI. These can be created by both a manager and the employee themselves.

In the KPI tool, click on the name of the KPI that you would like to add Objectives to, then click on the Begin button. To create an objective, click on the Add Objective button.

Note: You will only see the Begin button once (upon opening your KPI for the first time).

Example of New Objective form

  • Section – Select the KPI Section this Objective is related to.
  • Name – Enter a name for the Objective.
  • Weight – Select a weight for this Objective by percentage (max. 100%).
  • Target – Specify the target for this Objective.
  • Comments – Enter any additional comments/notes regarding this particular Objective [optional].
  • Save – Press this button to create the Objective.

Tip: You can create as many objectives as required, as long as the 'Weight' does not exceed 100% in total, right up until the 'Submission Date' (shown at the top of the page).

What to do next

Once you have finished creating Objectives, it will need to go through an acknowledgement (by employee) and sign off (by manager) process. See Acknowledgement and Sign Off of KPI Objectives for more information.

for: MGR, EMP;

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