Submitting KPIs

When you have finished creating KPI Objectives, they need to be acknowledged (by employee) and signed off (by manager) in somewhat of a handshake/agreement by both parties as to what is expected for this KPI.

Warning: The total combined 'Weight' of the objective(s) created must equal 100% before either of the Acknowledge or Sign Offbuttons will appear.

  • Employee: Will see an Acknowledge button. Once clicked, the KPI status will change to Pending Their Sign Off, meaning it is pending sign off from the manager.

  • Manager: Will see a Sign Off button. Once clicked, the KPI status will change to Awaiting, meaning it is now waiting for the submission date to roll over and the objective(s) to be completed during this time.

Note: You can continue to add or amend existing objectives. However, keep in mind that they will need to go through the same Acknowledge/Sign Off process. When the submission date has passed you will no longer be able to acknowledge KPI Objectives.

What to do next

Unless more objectives are required, there's nothing more to do here until the KPI submission date has rolled over. Once that occurs, no new objectives are able to be created and it is time to enter in the results of each KPI Objective. See KPI Objective Actuals and Scores for more information.

Tip: You can create as many objectives as required, as long as the 'Weight' does not exceed 100% in total, right up until the 'Submission Date' (shown at the top of the page).

for: MGR, EMP;

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