Taking Over an Appraisal

If there is an existing Two Way appraisal that you need to become the appraiser for, you can take over that appraisal. All you have to do is go to Human Resources → Appraisals, and open the appraisal you need to take over. If you are warranted to take it over, you will see a Take Over button. Simply click this, and you will become the appraiser.

Note: Verify the option Allow Appraiser Reassignment is ticked before you try to take over an appraisal, to verify this go to: System → System Configuration → Human Resources Section → Appraisals. For more information on these options please check this article: System → Appraisals

Take Over button on a Two Way appraisal

Who can take over an appraisal

For you to be able to take over an appraisal, there are a few criteria that need to be met:

  • The appraisal must be of type Two Way
  • You must be a targeted appraiser for that appraisal type
  • You can only take over from someone else (that is, you can't take over from yourself, and you can't take over from no one)
  • The appraiser portion of the appraisal must not yet be complete
  • The current appraiser isn't your senior in the hierarchy

for: adm, mgr;

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