Navigating through the Survey

This article goes into detail about the ways you can navigate through a survey, and the various page elements that you will come across. By the end, you should have a good understanding of the general process behind undertaking and completing surveys. Although this article aims to cover all survey type tools, your experience may differ slightly.

Survey Components

There are several parts of the page that will help you understand your progress through a survey, and help you get around through the survey. 

Survey Navigation

The upper-right corner of all surveys contain a hamburger button that will bring up the Survey Navigation menu. This menu contains all the sections and subsections (if applicable) that are a part of the survey, and lets you switch between these different parts of the survey by clicking on the name. The right hand side of each section and subsection also shows the number of questions that have been answered.

Survey Navigation Menu, button highlighted on right

Progress Bar

Beneath the name of the current survey and the navigation button, there is a simple progress bar. It specifically indicates how much you can minimally consider the survey to be complete, in terms of required questions. In the example below, assuming there are four sections in total, it may be the case that the user has completed every question in the first two sections, but it's also possible that the first two sections have no required questions, and the first required question is in section 3.

Progress Bar, indicating a half completed survey

Section Selector

Similar in functionality to the Survey Navigation menu, this allows you to quickly switch between sections and subsections. It will also indicate to you which section you are currently on, by showing a different colour to the other sections. This component only exists on desktop; mobile users will need to use the Survey Navigation menu.

Section Selector of a Location Review, showing subsections

Note: The Section Selector and Survey Navigation menu will not allow you to skip a required question when switching sections. This means, for example, that you cannot switch from section 1 to section 3, 4, or 5, if there is a required question in section 2.

Survey Body

This is the main section in which you will be providing answers to the survey questions. The name of the section you are currently viewing will appear at the top of this section, and the questions that belong to the question will appear below it. 

See Survey Question Types for more information about the different types of survey questions.

Questions in the Survey Body

Page Buttons

  • Back – Return to the previous section or subsection.
  • Save & Exit – Available on every page of the survey, this button will save all the information you have entered into the survey up to that point, and allow you to continue it at a later time. The process of continuing a survey is identical to starting it.
  • Next – This will progress you to the next section or subsection of the survey. This will only be possible if all required questions have been answered.
  • Finish – Only available in the survey's final section or subsection, use this button to finalise and submit the survey.

What to do next

Once the survey has been finalised and submitted, what occurs next depends on the type of survey tool the survey belongs to. See the next article for more information.

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