The surveys produced by the External Survey tool are only accessible from special accounts called External Survey accounts. These account types are used for the sole purpose of completing these surveys, and are typically used in Mystery Shopper type scenarios.
These accounts can only be created at National level by Administrators of the platform. For World Managers, this means that a country must be first selected in the country selector before continuing into the Accounts tool.
From the Accounts tool, click on External Surveys Accounts. This page will display all the currently existing External Survey Accounts that are available for the country, allowing these accounts to be edited or deleted as necessary. A new account of this type can be created by clicking the Create External Surveys Account button at the top of the page.
Besides the final option, all options on this page are described in the Account Creation article, specifically under the Name and Login Details sections.
The External Survey option allows you to select which surveys this account will have access to upon logging in. This can be set to All, or individual surveys.
Once this is done, click Save to submit the form.