Submitting External Surveys

In this article, we would show how External Surveys are accessed and how a user submits a completes an External Survey


Usually, External Surveys are accessed as a normal account will log in to the platform with the difference that this account will only have access to complete External Surveys, for more information on how to create an External Survey account please check this article: 

Here 4 Mandatory Fields will appear:

  • Name - The Name of the person completing the External Survey
  • Company - The Company or an Identifier of the association of the person
  • Survey - A dropdown list with all the available External Surveys for this account will appear
  • Location - A dropdown list with all the available Locations assigned to the Surveys will appear here

Note: If the option Include Date/Time Selector is active an additional field requiring the Date and Time will appear after selecting the survey 


After the previous questionnaire was selected the created Survey can be completed by sections answering all the required questions:

Note: If the option is enabled the account submitting the survey will be able to complete External Surveys that have not been finished, any pending External Survey will appear on their default view:

After the Survey Required fields have been filled the option to submit the survey will appear:

And the completed External Survey can be previewed (as well as approved depending on the Survey) by going to Operations -> External Surveys -> View Results.

If you have additional questions please contact for further assistance.

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