Creating an External Job Ad - Broadbean

There are 4 ways in which you can advertise a job position:

  1. Internally within your World Manager Platform, which only appears to targeted active accounts within your platform
  2. Externally on a company website
  3. Externally with Seek 
  4. Externally with Broadbean

With all 4 advertising types you can choose to advertise to 1 or to all.

In this article we are going to show you how to advertise an External  Job to Broadbean.

For more information on setting up Broadbean from National level please go to:

Human Resources → Recruitment → Broadbean

Important: You must configure Broadbean and User Mapping before posting jobs. Please contact your Relationship Manager for more information.

1. Create an External position following the steps in article 'Creating an External Job Ad - Careers Page

2. Once the position has been created Externally, go to Human Resources → Recruitment → Broadbean

You will see 3 headings as below:

  • New Job Ads
  • Posted Job Ads
  • Archived Job Ads

3. Under the heading New Job Ads click on the 'Edit' Icon next to the Job you wish to Post


4. Make any changes to the Broadbean Job Title, Job Summary and Job Description.

Note: This information is automatically copied from the existing job you have create

5. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Email for this Job Ad

6. Click Saveand you will see the below message

Note: This has created the Job to be posted. To post continue through the next steps

7. Under the heading 'New Job Ads' you will see the ad you have created.  Click 'Post'

8. You will receive the below confirmation, ClickYesand it will open a new tab to your Broadbean platform after a few seconds

9. Choose your Job Board(s) and Click 'Continue'

10. Continue with the Job Ad details and Click 'Continue'

11. Once you have completed all the required fields Click 'Send Advert'

12. You should receive a message: 'Your Advert has been accepted as indicated below'

Note: For troubleshooting issues with Broadbean, Please contact your Broadbean Account Manager or Broadbean Support.

13. Once you refresh the Job Ad page in your World Manager platform you will notice your Job Ad has been moved under the heading 'Posted Job Ads' and includes 'Date Posted' and 'Posted by' Account information.

It also includes a Broadbean icon that links directly to that Job in Broadbean, which displays all the job boards the ad has been posted to and the status of each Post. 

14. To further look at job posting history, you can also look at job posting history for Broadbean Ads by going to: Human Resources → Recruitment → Broadbean ToolsJob AdsJob Posting Log

Please contact our Support Team via if you have any questions.

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