Manuals and Files - Bulk Targeting Folders & Files

On the 'edit' page of a folder, you will find a Bulk Targeting button which allows you to add/update the targeting in bulk for folders and their sub-folders + files. See instructions below:

1. Go to Communication → Manuals and Files

2. Click on the 'edit' (pencil) icon of a folder

3. Click on the Bulk Targeting button

4. Configure the applicable Country, Group and Account targeting selectors (as per your requirement)

5. Update Default Targeting: Check this option if you wish to update the default targeting

6. Include Subfolders: Check this option if you wish to apply the new targeting to all sub-folders

7. Click on the Update button

Important: Using the Bulk Targeting functionality will overwrite all existing targeting.

In the below example, we are changing the existing targeting for 'Folder 4' from all the "Queensland" locations, to all "NSW" locations instead, using the Bulk Targeting functionality. We are also updating targeting for all sub-folders. Meaning, these targeting changes will apply to all sub-folders and files as well.

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