Setting Up Links

Creating a Link

This article provides information about the various options that are available when creating Links. To begin creating a Link, first open the Links tool (found under the Communication suite), and click the New Link button.OptionsName – The main reference given to this Link. It will be the label th...

Editing a Link

Administrators are able to edit Links from within the platform. This is handy when needing to update the folder, name, link, targeting etc.1. Go to Communication → Links2. Click on the folder name (to expand)3. Click on the 'edit' (pencil) icon next to the link name4. Amend the details, as per yo...

Links - Creating a Folder

Folders are used in the Links tool simply to organise and categorise the Links. They are single-level folders, meaning that folders cannot be stored within other folders – folders can only hold Links, and Links can only exist inside of a folder.To begin creating a folder, first open the Links too...