Links - Creating a Folder

Folders are used in the Links tool simply to organise and categorise the Links. They are single-level folders, meaning that folders cannot be stored within other folders – folders can only hold Links, and Links can only exist inside of a folder.

To begin creating a folder, first open the Links tool (found under the Communication suite), and click the New Folder button.


Here, you will be presented with a simple form, containing only three options.

  • Name – The main reference given to this folder. This is the name that will appear under the image of the folder, when the Links tool is viewed by users of the platform.
  • Image – File upload field, this option allows you to upload an image that will appear when the Links tool is viewed by users of the platform.
  • Active – This option allows the folder and its Links to be visible and accessible to users.

Once the form is filled out appropriately, press the Save button to create the folder.

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