Associating Franchise Employee users with Owners MUID

MUID (Multi Unit ID) functionality enables the user to manage multiple locations owned by them with common credentials. MUID is a reference number given to the owner having multiple stores. The MUID owner can access his various franchise stores using a single unique Credential.
There are a lot of instances an MUID owner would like for the employees to have access to multiple locations. Associating an employee with MUID means she/he can also view the details of other franchise locations even if s/he is not working for those franchise locations.

In this guide we will cover how to associate an employee user with a MUI.

To add an MUID employee go to Admin > Franchise Location > Manage Franchise Location.


6-24-2022_4-08-13_PM.pngClick on Users option in Action menu corresponding to the Franchise ID on Manage Franchise Location page.

On clicking Users option, you should get redirected to the Users page for a franchise location, from where an already created employee user can be added by clicking on Add Employee button.


Click on to Add Employee button, Add Employee pop up appears. Selecting “Existing” radio button Select Employee drop down will list the employees of all the franchise locations associated with selected Owner’s MUID. Click Save button to associate MUID Employee with the Franchise Location.


The Employee User is now associated with the MUID.













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