Introducing the Enterprise Learning Upgrade

The team are excited to announce the Enterprise Learning upgrade adds support for the latest E-Learning standards, including xAPI (Tin Can API), cmi5, AICC, and SCORM 2004, in addition to the continued support of the popular SCORM 1.2 format.

The upgrade also features many great improvements to the E-Learning tool, including:

  • A new player, with intuitive navigation
  • Previewing Packages loading and redirecting in the same page, instead of a separate window
  • New E-Learning permissions
  • Updated debugging options
  • A new column to show the E-Learning standard used by each Package.

New player with intuitive navigation

The Enterprise Learning upgrade features a new player for viewing Package content. The player will have a similar look-and-feel to the previous player, with a few minor changes.

The "Save & Exit" and "Finish" navigation buttons have been merged into a single "Return to Platform" button. The "Return to Platform" button makes it easier for users to decide which button to use to return to the platform, as the button contains all previous functionality merged into a single action.

Preview Packages in a full-size window

As shown above, Previewing a Package has also been improved, with the content loading in the same full-size window instead of a pop-up window as it did previously. This change allows users to preview a Package in the same way it would if it were launched by an end-user.

Updated debugging options

The "Enable Debugging" checkbox option on the New/Update Package page determines whether to display the "View Debug" button alongside the "Return to Platform" button in the navigation bar.

When the option is enabled, the "View Debug" button will only appear when previewing Packages for Admins with the Training ➞ E-Learning ➞  Content Library ➞ Manage permission enabled.

Selecting the button shows logging information used for advanced tracking and technical support.

New E-Learning permissions

Two new permissions have been added for the E-Learning tool, providing greater control over E-Learning Content management:

TrainingE-Learning ➞  Content LibraryManage

This permission is available to World Managers and National Managers by default and allows them to create and edit Content Library Packages, and view debug information.


This permission is available to World Managers and National Managers by default and allows them to create and edit templates and view Performance Monitor stats.

Enterprise Learning

New support for the latest E-Learning standards

One of the key features of the Enterprise Learning upgrade is the added support for the E-Learning standards. This change means you can create E-Learning content using any of your favourite authoring tools and upload it to your platform with complete compatibility and support for tracking Training Stats among your users.

What are E-Learning standards?

E-Learning standards are common rules that apply to content, authoring software and Learning Management Systems (LMS). They provide stakeholders with clear guidelines for developing content to ensure portability across multiple platforms and formats. To learn more about SCORM, one of the most popular E-Learning standards, see What is SCORM?.

Tip: To learn more about E-Learning authoring tools, see  Articulate Rise 360 Guide and  Adobe Captivate 9 Guide.

Get started with Enterprise Learning

To get started with using the new E-Learning standards introduced with this upgrade, get in touch with your Relationship Manager or our Support team.

Note: Enterprise Learning must be enabled on your platform before the newly supported E-Learning standards can be used. If Enterprise Learning is not enabled, Packages with the new formats can still be uploaded but cannot be made active, with a warning message displayed to inform the user. See the image below.

This feature is active in your platform by default so there should not be any issues uploading content packages in a different standard than 1.2 SCORM.

To import a Package:

  1. Go to the Toolbox and select Training ➞ E-Learning.
  2. Select Content Library.
  3. Select New Package.
  4. Enter a Name for the new Package, upload the Package and customise additional settings if necessary.
  5. Once complete, select the Save button.

View different E-Learning standards

A new column has been added to the Content Library grid, making it easy to see which E-Learning standard is used by each Package.

Should you have further feedback or questions, contact your Relationship Manager or email

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