Creating and Moving a Category

Categories are a simple organisational feature in the Forum tool that allows for the grouping together of forums. This article provides information on the process of creating and rearranging these categories.

Creating a Category

To begin, first open the Forum tool (found under the Communication suite), click the Admin Mode button, and then New Category.

New Category box

Doing this will reveal a section that contains a text field for entering the name of the category, and two buttons. Once an appropriate name has been entered, click the Save button to create the category.

Moving a Category

In this administrative mode, each category will also have a button labeled Move in its upper-right corner (as well as the standard content management functions Edit and Delete). Clicking on this button will reveal a section containing the buttons Move Up and Move Down (possibly only one of the two, depending on where it currently lies in the list). 

Category with Move section showing

Simply click Move Up to swap the category's position with the category above it, or click Move Down to swap it with the category below.

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