Creating a Forum

Forums in the Forum tool refer to the organisational component that is stored within a category, and holds threads. These forums are particularly useful in that they also contain targeting selectors, allowing for selective access to your users.

To begin the process, first open the Forum tool (found under the Communication suite), click Admin Mode, and then New Forum.


  • Category – Dropdown that contains a list of the categories that the new forum may be created in.
  • Name – Main reference given to the forum, this is the label that users will see when browsing the Forum tool.
  • Description – The subtext of the forum, displayed underneath its name when browsing the forums in the Forum tool. 
  • Targeting selectors – Used to determine which users will be able to see the forum, open it, and participate by way of creating threads and replying to others. See Targeting for more information on usage of these selectors.

Once this form has been filled out satisfactorily, click the Save button and the forum will be created.

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