System - Service Desk

This section of the System Configuration tool includes two simple options, as well as two sections for changing and adding Service Desk priorities and statuses.


Send Notification After – If Unresolved Ticket Notification is turned on in the settings of a Service Desk Category, you will have the opportunity to set the number of days after which the targeted administrators will be notified of unresolved tickets. This option in System Configuration allows you to choose the default value that will be displayed here.

Allow Ticket Satisfaction Ratings – If this option is turned on, then submitters will be able to rate the quality of service after their ticket is closed. This rating is given as between zero and five stars.

Priority and Status Management

This section of System Configuration also allows for the management of Service Desk priorities and statuses, by using either the Priorities or Statuses buttons.

Since these two subsections of the Service Desk are so similar in usage, they will both be covered by the single remaining set of information in this article.

Service Desk Statuses

These management pages show a simple table for viewing, rearranging, and accessing the currently available priorities and statuses, as well as New Priority and New Status buttons which can be used to create additional items.

Simply click on the name of an item in the table to edit it, or the New button to begin creating a new item. You can rearrange these existing items by clicking on its position dropdown, and selecting a new position for it. The exception to this is the first and last two statuses, as they represent special states that specifically mark the beginning and end of a ticket's life cycle.

Creating a Priority or Status

When creating such an item, you are presented with two options.

  • Name – This is the label that users will when choosing from either the list of priorities or statuses.
  • Text Colour – This is a colour picker that allows you to choose a colour. This is the colour that the name of the item will be displayed as when viewed by users.

Once these options have been satisfactorily entered, click the Save button to add the item, after which you may rearrange it.

For an overview of Service Desk Configuration please take a look at the following video.

for: adm;

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