Managing Events

This article provides information about the various components that make up the Event and Session pages. Once an event has been created, its details page and information can be accessed by clicking on its name in the Events tool.

Event Details

Event Details page

This page is made up of two main sections – the top half containing the details about the event itself that were added upon creation of the event. The bottom half contains information on any upcoming sessions that have been added to the event, as well as buttons for creating sessions.

Session Details

From the Event Details page described above, individual sessions can be inspected by clicking their View button. This will take you to the Session Details page.

Session Details page

Here you will see information about the specific session itself, such as the date and time, capacity, cost, etc. At the bottom of the page, there are sections that provide details about users that have either been marked as Attending or Declined for the particular session. 

Here, you will also find useful functions such as Print and Export, allowing for the information to be manipulated and shared externally, as well as a button Register Others (if Managers have been allowed to register users).

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