Configuring the FDD

The Franchise Disclosure Document is a legal document that is presented to leads that are in the process of purchasing a franchise location. This is generally a contract between both the seller and the prospective franchisee of a sales agreement. 

This article details how to manage the FDD for your leads:

Start by crafting an email that will state what will be sent to the lead. This email comes before the FDD credentials are sent out. For example, this email would say something like "We will send you a separate e-mail with a link to the FDD.

Note: If you do not have a high-speed internet connection, it could take a long time to download the FDD. You will also need a copy of “Adobe Reader,” which you may already have on your computer, or which you can download for free at

 This email comes standard within the system, however, you do have the ability to edit it.

This can be done by following these steps:

Admin > FDD Management > Configure email sent Prior to FDD Email.


Here you may edit the verbiage. Save when done!

Once this email has been created, another email will follow up automatically with the FDD credentials. Here, you can get more creative with details of your FDD. You can provide brief instructions on what the candidate should be completing. For Example:

You can edit this email template by doing the following:

Admin > FDD Management > FDD Email Template summary.

Add a new Template or modify an example that is already in the system by clicking the Gear-Wheel under Action:

The last template you will need to configure is the Item 23 Receipt. This basically summarizes the agreement in it's simplest form. Example:

You can edit this email template by doing the following: 

Admin > FDD Management > Item 23- Receipt Summary.

You can add your own, or modify the example template already provided.

Once all of the email templates are configured, it's time to upload your FDD! 

You can edit this email template by doing the following: 

Admin > FDD Management > FDD Management.

Click Upload FDD.

Here is where you will really get busy with associating the FDD with the right details, such as the template, receipt summary, when it expires, etc. The name and version is up to your discretion. See the screenshot below:

Next you will want to associate which states will be assigned to your FDD.

NOTE: Certain states have different rules and regulations, so make sure that you research this first before assigning your FDD. The state that is associated with the lead, will be the FDD that is sent to them that is associated with the states shown below:

Once you have assigned your states and uploaded the FDD, you are set to go onto the next step.

Now, you are ready to successfully send your candidates through the FDD process. See below for instructions on how to send the FDD to your lead: 

Once you choose your candidate, open their profile and scroll to the bottom of the page. Select the Send FDD Email option.

Here, you can leave the default settings as is, OR you can customize which FDD options you would like to send to this lead. See the screenshot below:

From/Reply: This option allows you to choose who you would like the FDD to show that it is coming from. It can either be you, as the logged in user, the Lead Owner, or you can customize the name yourself.

FDD Email Templates: If you have more than once email template created, you can choose from them in this drop down.

Which Version of the FDD Should be sent: If you have multiple FDD versions, you can choose which one you want to choose from here.

Send FDD to Co--Applicants: If there is a co-applicant associated with the lead, you can click this box so that the FDD is also sent to the Co-Applicant.

Once you have read and confirmed that all looks good, you are ready to send.

Once your email has been sent off, you can now track the process of the FDD by clicking the FDD tab in Sales. See the screenshot below:


FDD Status: Click on the Viewed link to see the confirmation of this FDD. See example below:


Delivery Receipt: Signed receipt that the lead has received and viewed the FDD.

FDD Receipt: Signed FDD Item 23 Receipt.


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