Adding a User After Adding a Location

Input the User Details.

It is common for franchisors to use the same nomenclature for a user’s corporate email address as their Username.

The Password entered here will be updated by the user upon first login.

Most users will be Normal under User Type however temporary access can be given to Guest Users

Select the Role you want to give the user from the dropdown (Default Franchisee)

Choose the Time Zone and check the Daylight Savings Time (DST) box if it applies. 

Input the User’s Contact Details.

If you want this franchisee to be able to manage the user accounts of their employees (if being added to FranConnect), select the checkbox next to “Whether this User can manager other Users of this franchisee.”

You can upload a picture of the User from your computer by selecting Choose File.

Send Notification will send an email to the user which will provide their Username and URL for accessing the FranConnect system. 

Click Add.

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