Configuring the Summary Display for The Hub, Sales, Opener, Info Manager and Support

This guide will show you step by step instructions on how to customize the view on your pages for The Hub, Sales, Opener, Info Manager and Support modules.

The great thing about this feature, is that if there are columns that are not important or relevant to you, you can remove them and only show what is necessary. For example, if you only wanted to see a Prospect’s name, email and phone number, you may easily do so.

Note: When making these changes, please keep in mind that these changes will be reflected for all users, and are not for individual logins.

Admin > Configuration > Configure Summary Display Columns.


Click on the Action button next to the desired column you would like to change, and select Configure.


Choose the columns that you would like to be displayed on your summary page by clicking the arrows in the middle to move the fields. Click Submit. 

 3.pngYour summary page will be in the same order as it is listed. See below for an example:


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