Adding a location to a current franchise owner occurs when a franchisor wants to expand his/her business.
There are two starting points to adding a location in Information Manager
- From the In Development page click the Add In Development Location link.
- From the Franchise Location section in Admin, click on the Add New Franchise Location link.
No matter which direction you choose, you will land on an add page like the one shown below. Fill in the appropriate Franchise Location Details and Contact Information.
When you get to the Add Owner Details section of the page, select Existing Owners instead of the default New Owner.
Select the Owner(s) by checking the box next to the name(s).
If the owner already has an MUID (Multi-Unit Identification) it will populate automatically. If not you will need to assign one. An MUID is assigned by the franchisor and should be unique to the owner.
Click the Add button at the bottom left of the screen.
Fill in the User Details, Personal Details, and click the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.
From the Multi-Unit/Entity page in Information Manager you will now see that the owner has multiple locations associated with him/her.