How do I create Roles and Change Privileges for Users?

In FranConnect, Roles help you designate privileges to users. This ensures that users only have access to those system functions that are necessary for the completion of their job.  

The FranConnect system has several predefined roles (e.g. Corporate administrators, default corporate role, default regional role, default franchise role), and also gives you the ability to create customized roles.

If a user in your Franchise system does not fit one of the predefined roles provided, you will want to create a new role. Users can be assigned to more than one role. However, it is the best practice to create roles based on organizational titles/responsibilities starting with the highest level employee first.   

Example: Create the role for the Training Manager first providing only those privileges you want them to have. Note that the system will default to granting all permissions so you will want to be sure to remove those privileges that are not the Training Manager's responsibility.  Once you've created the Training Manager, use the option from the action wheel to copy then customize the role again for the Trainers or Training Employees.  This will require that you remove more privileges but the bulk of the customization will have been done with the creation of the Training Manager role. 

 To add or remove privileges:

From Admin, go to Access Control, Select Roles, Click Add New Role.



Click on the drop-down to select the Role type: Corporate, Regional, Franchise Level and then input the Role Name.


Click on the master checkbox to select all of the privileges in that section or select the individual boxes to be more discerning with the privileges.


Lastly, select Yes or No to grant access to Documents and News then click Submit. 


After clicking submit you can assign the role to a user who is already in another role, you can select who you want to assign the role to or select assign later to postpone placing a user into this role.

6-28-2022_1-57-26_PM.pngTo Associate a Role with a User:

From the Admin Interface, Select Users then choose the user type, Corporate, Regional or Franchise.

Click the action wheel then select Modify.

From the Role Dropdown, select the role(s) you want to give the user and Click Save on the bottom. 





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