System Configuration Communication

Notices Settings

Allow Non Mandatory Notices – Turning this option on will not include the option to make the Notice mandatory upon creation or modification.Allow Replies – Turning this option will include the option to allow replies to the Notice upon creation or modification.Number of characters to display for ...

System - Image Gallery

This section contains a single rich text editor field, allowing you to customise the agreement that is displayed to users upon their first accessing of the Image Gallery tool. This typically lays out the rules that you would like users to abide by, in terms of the type of content that may be uplo...

File Security Whitelist

This setting affects the accessing of Manuals and Files through the External Link functionality. If a website is added as a referer to this list, the External Links will only be accessible if a person attempts to access the link through that website.For example, if the website https://www.mysite....

Calendar Settings

This section of the System Configuration tool allows you to modify the appearance of calendars, in the Calendar tool as well as various places in the platform where a calendar is presented for selecting a date.Colour SchemeThis option affects the appearance of date pickers used across the platfor...