Notices Settings

Allow Non Mandatory Notices – Turning this option on will not include the option to make the Notice mandatory upon creation or modification.

Allow Replies – Turning this option will include the option to allow replies to the Notice upon creation or modification.

Number of characters to display for each notice by default in the Notices widget – When Notices are displayed within the Notices widget, the amount of characters that make up the body of the Notice is restricted to a certain number of characters. Use this option to decide how many characters should be shown for each Notice in the widget.

Mandatory Notice Settings

Users can choose expiration date – Turning this option on will allow managers to choose what day a Mandatory Notice will expire. This option is used in conjunction with the next

Minimum notice duration – This option sets what the smallest number of days between the creation and expiry of the Notice can be.

Maximum notice duration – This option sets what the largest number of days between the creation and expiry of the Notice can be.

Default notice duration – When creating a Mandatory Notice, this is the number of days after the current date that the expiry date will initially be.

Allow notices to have no expiration date – Turning this option on will not include the option for a Mandatory Notice to never expire upon creation or modification.

Non Mandatory Settings

Users can choose expiration date – Turning this option on will allow managers to choose what day a Notice will expire. 

Default notice duration – When creating a Notice, this is the number of days after the current date that the expiry date will initially be.

Allow notices to have no expiration date – Turning this option on will not include the option for a Notice to never expire upon creation or modification.

For an overview of Notice Settings please take a look at the following video. 

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