Submitting Location Reviews

Finalising a Location Review

Once the survey component of the Location Review has been finished by clicking the Finish button at the end, you will be returned to the Location Review's report page. At this point, your review will be accessible to the review recipients (they will not be notified), but still modifiable with the...

Starting a Location Review

Before we look at how to create a new Location Review, let’s have a look at the process of filling one in.Go into Operations → Location Reviews and click on the New Location Review button. From the drop-down list you select which report you need to fill in.Note: Users will only see reviews that a...

Troubleshooting Geotagging/Location Services

When a mobile application or website asks for permission to access your location, you have the option to either allow or block the request. If access to your location is not allowed for any reason, you will receive the following error message.ERROR: Unable to begin review as GPS location could no...