Unregistering from a Session
If you change your mind about attending an event, you can unregister yourself from the session by first going to the Events tool (found under the Communication suite), and clicking on the name of the event.If this event's registration mode is set to Self/User or Either, you will see an Unregister...
Registering Others for a Session
This article provides instructions on how to register other users for a session of an event. This will only be possible if the event has been setup for manager registration – otherwise, users will need to register themselves for the session.The first step is to access the Events tool, found under...
Registering Yourself for a Session
This article provides instructions on how to register yourself for a session of an event. This will only be possible if the event has been setup for self registration – otherwise, a more senior manager will need to register you for the session.The first step is to access the Events tool, found un...