Completing a Sign Off

Signing off users

As a manager or administrator of the platform, you have the ability to mark the Sign Offs that are assigned to users under you in the account hierarchy, as either passed, failed, or reverted back to the initial not signed off status. The instructions in this article may vary slightly, depending o...

Acknowledging a Sign Off

Once a manager has marked your Sign Off as Pass, you may be required to go one step further and acknowledge that you have been signed off. You can tell that a Sign Off requires your acknowledgement by the status reading Pending under the My Tasks widget, as well as the fuel gauge that it resides ...

Bulk Signing Off Users

With Sign Offs it is possible to bulk sign-offs for individual users, it is possible to bulk sign-off attempts within your World MAnager platform, to achieve this, you can:Go to   Go to Training → Sign Offs   On this page, please go to the page Complete by Individual or Complete by Sign-Off     ...