Bulk Signing Off Users

With Sign Offs it is possible to bulk sign-offs for individual users, it is possible to bulk sign-off attempts within your World MAnager platform, to achieve this, you can:

Go to 

  1.  Go to Training → Sign Offs 
  2.  On this page, please go to the page Complete by Individual or Complete by Sign-Off         
  3.  Here, please look for a specific user (if you clicked on Sign By Individual) or Sign Off (if you clicked on Sign By Sign-Off) to make the button Bulk Sign Off appear         
  4.  This will open a new window where you will be able to sign off multiple Sign-offs or Individuals by clicking on any button Pending, Passed or Failed        

  5.  This will update automatically the status of each attempt and there is no need to click on an Update button        

Note: To Bulk Sign Off an attempt you need to click on each element, selecting only one will not update all sign-offs or users.  

Reminders, Comments and View Buttons

In this view it is also possible to set a reminder, leave a comment and view a specific attempt using the particular buttons on the right side of the page: 

Note: You can find additional information for the specific button reminder here: Sign Off Reminders

If you click on add comments (the second icon) a new window will appear where you will be able to leave attachments or comments in addition to the status of the Sign Off:


Additionally to this button, there is the view button (magnifying glass) that will let you see in more detail the attempt and see things like the status, attachments and the possibility to add a reminder (which can be done on the main page as well)


If you have further questions or need further assistance with this or any other process, please send an email to wmsupport@franconnect.com or reach out to your Relationship Manager.


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