Introduction to Command Center

Welcome to Command Center in FranConnect. This dashboard helps you manage your franchise by giving you a clear view of your operations, easy ways to talk with your team, and information to help your business grow. In this article, we will show you how to use Command Center's main features so you can get the most out of it to help your franchise succeed.


Overview of Command Center


Command Center is a robust, customizable dashboard enabling customers to track important data related to their franchise operations. Command Center is highly customizable, enabling you to use it to track the data that is most relevant to you. We will cover all the different ways this powerful tool can be customized to allow you to maximize its use.

Command Center offers multiple different templates depending on your role. They are - Franchise Executive, Franchise Development, Franchise Operations, Franchise Business Consultant, and Unit View. Additionally, these views can be further customized. Let's begin by looking at how to select our template.

Selecting a Template

To select a template from the Command Center, first click the SETTINGS button at the top-right portion of the page.


On the following page, click SELECT TEMPLATE on the top-right portion of the page.


You will be taken to the following page:


Choosing None of the above options apply to me will open up a feedback box so that FranConnect can continue to improve our template experience using your feedback. Choose the template you wish to apply and then click SAVE.

Customizing Command Center

Command Center is designed to be highly customizable to meet your exact business needs. To learn more about Command Center customization, please check out the following guide: How to Customize Command Center Cards and Insights


Having read this article, you should have a basic idea of how to leverage Command Center for all of your franchise operations.

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