SOAP API: Creating Accounts

Our SOAP API can be utilised to create accounts in your World Manager platform via an integration with a third-party app. The purpose of this article, is to provide information & instructions on this process.

Creating an Integration Client

Firstly, an Integration Client must be created within your World Manager platform specifically for use with our SOAP API. See steps below:

Note: This can only be done using a ‘World Manager’ (top) level admin account.

1. Go to System → System Configuration

2. Click on Integration Clients

3. Click on New Integration Client

Important: Keep a copy of the Client ID and Client Secret values for use later.

4. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name

5. In the Scope field, tick the following checkbox options:


6. Click on Save

Making Requests

Generating an Access Token

To make requests using the SOAP API, you will need to generate an access token, using the Client ID & Client Secret values copied from the Integration Client you created in the earlier steps.

Please refer to our SOAP API documentation for further information on how to generate an access token.

Note: The SOAP API token endpoint for your platform is: <Your Platform URL>/oauth/token.

Role: World Manager

The following properties are required in order to create accounts in the 'World Manager' role:

  • groupID -- this is a deprecated property; however a value of 0 is still required
  • groupUuids
  • username
  • password
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • active -- this is not required; however, it will default to 'inactive' if not set (to true)
  • language
  • email -- only required if the 'Email Required' option is enabled under System → System Configuration → Account Settings

Below is an example of a SOAP request/payload:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:v7="">

Role: National Manager

The following properties are required in order to create accounts in the 'National Manager' role:

  • groupID -- this is a deprecated property; however a value of 0 is still required
  • groupUuids
  • countryUuids
  • username
  • password
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • active -- this is not required; however, it will default to 'inactive' if not set (to true)
  • language
  • email -- only required if the 'Email Required' option is enabled under System → System Configuration → Account Settings

Below is an example of a SOAP request/payload:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:v7="">

Role: Area Manager

The following properties are required in order to create accounts in the 'Area Manager' role:

  • groupID -- this is a deprecated property; however a value of 0 is still required
  • groupUuids
  • areaUuids
  • username
  • password
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • active -- this is not required; however, it will default to 'inactive' if not set (to true)
  • language
  • email -- only required if the 'Email Required' option is enabled under System → System Configuration → Account Settings
  • workStartDate

Below is an example of a SOAP request/payload:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:v7="">

Roles: General Manager, Store Manager and Employee

The following properties are required in order to create accounts in the 'General Manager', 'Store Manager' and 'Employee' roles:

  • groupID -- this is a deprecated property; however a value of 0 is still required
  • groupUuids
  • storeUuids
  • username
  • password
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • active -- this is not required; however, it will default to 'inactive' if not set (to true)
  • language
  • positionType
  • email -- only required if the 'Email Required' option is enabled under System → System Configuration → Account Settings
  • workStartDate

Below is an example of a SOAP request/payload:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:v7="">

If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please contact our Support Team at

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