Navigating the Calendar

The Calendar tool (found under the Communication suite) provides a simple interface for looking through the various appointments and events that have been marked against a user's account. This article goes into detail about the usage of this interface, and the different levels at which the calendar can be viewed.

Calendar Views

There are three different levels that the Calendar can be viewed at, each allowing the user to see different amounts of content. 

View selectors

These views can be switched between by using the buttons in the upper-right portion of the Calendar.


Monthly Calendar view

The default view of the Calendar, this is same layout found on typical calendars, where each box in the grid represents a day, with the entire grid representing a month. Here, appointments and events are uniformly presented as a coloured rectangle on a single line, spanning the entire width of the day(s) that the appointment instance covers.


Weekly Calendar view

This view contains a rather different table, where each cell represents a half hour in a day, determined by which intersection of row and column the cell lies on. Events and appointments visible here are presented as vertically spanning coloured rectangles, where the height of the rectangle depicts the length of the appointment, with half hour precision. 


Daily Calendar view

This view is very similar to the Weekly view described above, where each cell represents a half hour in a day. The only difference being that there is only a single column in this view, as opposed to the 7 columns in the Weekly view.


The Calendar tool provides some simple actions to navigate through the dates and times. This consists of five navigational buttons that are found in the upper-left of the tool.

Navigational Buttons

Stepping Back and Forwards

The inner two buttons in the left-hand side group of buttons. These buttons allow you to move forward and backwards to see the next and previous sequential dates. In the Monthly view of the calendar, this means the next and previous months, in the Weekly view, this would be the next and previous weeks, etc.

Jumping Back and Forwards

Similarly to the stepping navigation, these outer two buttons allow you to move forward and backwards through the dates, but by yearly increments at a time.


This button will recenter your view, letting you see the current period of time.

Interacting with Appointments

A key part of the Calendar tool is the idea of Appointments, and your ability to create, modify, and share them with other users on the platform. 

Viewing an Appointment

An appointment on the Calendar can be viewed in greater detail by clicking on its name. This will reveal a popup that contains details about the appointment, as well as the start and end date/time. It will also contain a button in its lower-right corner reading 'more...', which can be clicked to comfortably view the Appointment's details in its own separate details page.

Creating an Appointment

To begin creating an Appointment, go to the Calendar tool and click the New Appointment button. For further information on creating an appointment, see Creating Appointments and Instances. This article also details the important relationship between Appointments and their instances.

Modifying an Appointment

For information on modifying an Appointment (or rather, their instances), see Modifying Appointment Instances. We recommend also reading Creating Appointments and Instances for prior knowledge before attempting modification.

Leaving a Message on an Appointment

If replying has been allowed on the Appointment, users that the Appointment has been shared with will be able to leave messages on the Appointment. This is first done by viewing an Appointment's details page (see Viewing an Appointment above) and clicking on the Reply button. Doing so will reveal a rich text editor with which a message can be composed, as well as a Send button used to submit the message.

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