Force Complete and Reset Appraisals

World Manager level accounts have the ability to force complete and reset Appraisals (for all Appraisal types) from within the platform. This is the same functionality as force completing or resetting E-Learning modules.

Enable System Configuration Setting

In order to utilise this functionality, you must first ensure that the feature is enabled in System Configuration. Please see instructions below:

1. Go to System → System Configuration

2. Under the Human Resources section, click Appraisals

3. Tick the checkbox next to the Allow Appraisal Reset and Completion field (to enable)

4. Click Update

Access User's Training Page

To force complete or reset an Appraisal, you must be viewing a user's Individual Performance (aka My Training) page. There are two (2) methods of doing this, as below: 

1. Performance Monitor Tool

The first method, is to use the Performance Monitor tool. Please see instructions below:

1. Go to System → Performance Monitor

2. Click on the name of the Country the user is assigned to

3. Area Manager Accounts:

     3a. Click on the '(Country) Area Manager Performance' Tab

Note: The (Country) value will be different to what's pictured (above), depending on the country the user is assigned to. In this example, the user is assigned to a country called 'Australia', hence the tab being labelled 'Australia Area Manager Performance'.

     3b. Click on the name of the user (go to Step 5)

4. General Manager Accounts (and below):

     4a. Click on the name of the Area the user is assigned to

     4b. Click on the name of the Store the user is assigned to

     4c. Click on the name of the user (go to Step 5)

5. Select the Fuel Gauge that contains the Appraisal(s)

2. Search Tool

The second method, is to use the Search tool. This is generally the quickest way to locate users within the platform. Please see instructions below:

1. Click on the 'search' icon (top right)

2. Type the name of the user you wish to find, and click on Search (or press ENTER)

3. Once the search results load, locate the user and click on View Training Results

4. Select the Fuel Gauge that contains the Appraisal(s)

Force Complete/Reset an Appraisal

Beside each Appraisal, you will notice a small icon on the right-hand side of the page. These are the icons used to force complete or reset an Appraisal.

Note: Appraisals that are 'In Progress' can only be force reset. Once reset, they can be force completed (if required).

Force Complete

1. Click on the force complete 'page with tick' icon (right side of the page)

2. In the confirmation prompt, click on Yes (to proceed with the force completion)

Once force completed, the module status will show as 'Completed', and the following message will be displayed:

Force Reset

1. Click on the force reset 'double arrow' icon (right side of the page)

2. In the confirmation prompt, click on Yes (to proceed with the force reset) 

Once force reset, the module status will show as 'Not Attempted', and the following message will be displayed:

for: adm

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