Grading Written Tests

As a manager or administrator of the platform, you have the ability to grade the Written Tests that are assigned to users under you in the account hierarchy, setting them as either Pass, Fail, and optionally provide some feedback to the user. The instructions in this article may vary slightly, depending on your specific account group.

There are two main modes when grading Written Tests for users: by Individual, and by Test. Although they differ in purpose, their navigation is very similar.



A number of dropdowns are provided to help find the Written Test or Individual you are looking to Grade. The number of filters provided will differ depending on your account group.

Filters provided to National Managers, 'Complete By Individual' mode

Selecting an option in any one of these filters will reduce the number of options in the other filters, thereby making your search more precise. The final aim is to make a selection in the bottom right dropdown (this will either be Employee or Testsdepending on the current mode.


Below the filter dropdowns is a table that allows you to browse to the Written Test or user that you're looking for. For the lowest-level managers, the table will usually immediately show the available Written Tests or users, but for higher-level managers that look over more areas and locations, the table may initially show Countries or Areas. Simply click on these Country, Area, or Location names to navigate to the item you are looking for.

Navigational table

When completing by Test, you may be required to first select an option in a dropdown, in situations where the table would be too large to show entirely.

Completion Modes

Grade By Individual

This mode of marking Written Tests is ideal when you are looking to grade many Written Tests for a specific user.

For managers, 'Complete By Individual' is the default mode when entering the Written Test tool. Administrators will need to press the Grade By Individual button at the top of the page to enter this mode.

You can find the individual by using the navigational methods described above. Once an individual has been selected, a list of all of their Written Tests will appear, along with the current state of those Written Tests.

List of Written Tests belonging to selected user

From here, you can click on the name of a Written Test or its Edit icon, to Update the Written Test. Written Tests that do not have grading turned on, and Written Tests that have not been attempted, will not have the Edit icon.

Grade By Test

This mode of marking Written Tests is ideal when you are looking to mark a specific Written Test for a many users.

To enter this mode, you will need to press the Complete By Test button at the top of the page.

You can find the Written Test by using the navigational methods described above. Once a Written Test has been selected, a list of all users targeted by the Written Test will appear, along with the current state of those Written Tests.

List of users targeted by selected Written Test

From here, you can click on the name of a user, or their Edit icon, to Update the Written Test. Written Tests that do not have grading turned on, and Written Tests that have not been attempted, will not have the Edit icon.

Updating a Written Test

After the Written Test and user is selected, you will be able to view the user's written answer, update the status of the Written Test to either Pass or Fail, and optionally provide feedback to the user. On this page, you will also be able to review any attachments to the Written Test, usually containing some content that is relevant to the test question.

Written Test update page

After all the appropriate changes have been made to the Written Test, press the Update button to save the changes.

for: adm, mgr;

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