Uploading a File into the Content Library

In this article we are going to review the process to upload content packages like SCORM 1.2 into the Content Library section of the platform, this would provide the ability to use these packages in the platform as Learning content by attaching them to an E-Learning module.

Uploading the file 

To upload a content package please:

  1. Go to (At World Level) Training → E-Learning → Content Library
  2. Click on New Package

  3. Here a new window will appear with the following fields:
    1. Name*Name the content package will have within the platform
    2. Target: Country: Country or countries where the content package will be available
    3. Upload*Field to upload the content package, this can be done by clicking on the box at the right side of the name of the field or by dragging and dropping the file on the same box
    4. Enable Debugging: This feature provides additional tools to debug content packages, especially where things like scores or overall performance are presenting problems
    5. Active: This will active the content package and will make it available for attachment within an E-Learning module
  4. Click on Save

This will upload the package to the platform and now it will be possible to add this learning material to an E-Learning module, for more information on how to do this, please check: Creating an E-Learning Module

Note: By default, only content packages with the standard SCORM 1.2 can be attached to E-Learning modules, however, it is still possible to attach additional standards by upgrading your platform with the Enterprise Learning feature, this will provide the possibility to add additional content package standards like SCORM 2004, cmi5 and many more. For more information please check the following article: Introducing the Enterprise Learning Upgrade

If you have additional questions regarding this process or need further assistance with any of the steps provided here, please send an email to wmsupport@franconnect.com.

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