Manager-level accounts have the ability to create reminders to be notified when a Sign Off is nearing its refresh date.
This is done via the 'bell' icon, which is found wherever a Sign Off can be completed or modified. This includes the following pages:
- Employee Results
- Complete Sign Offs
- Bulk Sign Offs
Note: Reminders will automatically be added to the manager's World Manager calendar, so that they can keep track of Sign Offs they are responsible for.
See instructions below for creating a reminder, which applies when signing off users:
1. Click on the 'bell' icon
2. In the pop-up modal that appears, the New Reminder form will be pre-filled with all the information related to the Sign Off. This includes:
- Name
- Content
- Refresh Date
- Send Reminder Email
- Colour
3. Review the content and modify (where applicable)
4. Click on the Save button
Editing a Reminder
To edit a reminder, managers can go to the Calendar tool, find the relevant reminder and modify the entry.
Tip: Alternatively, managers can also click on the 'bell' icon via the Sign Offs tool (again) and modify the entry.
Deleting a Reminder
To delete a reminder, managers will need to go to the Calendar tool, find the relevant reminder and delete it manually.