This section of System Configuration allows for some changes to the way Exit Interviews operate.
- Enable – Turning this option will allow for Exit Interview emails to be sent out to users upon their deactivation.
- Notification Sent After – This option allows you to set the number of days after a user's deactivation that they will be sent an invitation to undertake the Exit Interview.
- Reminder Sent After – This option allows you to set the number of days after a user's deactivation that they will be sent a reminder to undertake the Exit Interview. This must happen after the initial invitation notification, and before their password is deactivated (see next option).
- Password Inactivated After – This option allows you to set the number of days after a user's deactivation that their password will become deactivated, and they will no longer be able to log in and complete the Exit Interview.
For an overview of Exit Interviews Settings please take a look at the following video.