Lock Fuel Gauge Sequence and/or Lock Content Sequence

The 'Lock Fuel Gauge Sequence' and 'Lock Content Sequence' can be used to 'lock' the order in which modules within them can be completed. This setting can be applied by going to: System → Fuel Gauges

• Lock Fuel Gauge Sequence: All Fuel Gauges are locked, except the first test within the first Fuel Gauge. The next Fuel Gauge will only become unlocked once all tests within the first Fuel Gauge have been completed.

Note: Once successfully activated, you will see a "Fuel Gauge Sequence Locked" success message at the top of the page.

• Lock Content Sequence: Each Fuel Gauge will have their first test unlocked (individually), meaning users can still pick-and-choose which Fuel Gauge they wish to work on. Once the first module within the Fuel Gauge has been completed, the next one will be unlocked.

Note: Once successfully activated, you will see a "Content Sequence Locked" success message at the top of the page.

Tip: You can use the "Lock All" and "Unlock All" buttons (top of the page) to quickly enable/disable the 'Lock Content Sequence' for all Fuel Gauges.

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